Global Opportunities

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According to the Henley Passport Index 2020, a ranking that measures the most travel-friendly passports, Canada is ranked as having the 9th most powerful passport of the world. 

Japan tops the ranking, as Japanese citizens can visit a record of 191 countries in the world without a visa. Singapore passport is ranked second place in the ranking having a score of 190. The third place is shared by Germany and South Korea. Citizens of these countries can visit 189 countries without applying for a visa.

The most powerful passports in the world in 2020:

  1. Japan (191 destinations)

  2. Singapore (190 destinations)

  3. South Korea, Germany (189 destinations)

  4. Italy, Finland, Spain, Luxembourg (188 destinations)

  5. Denmark, Austria (187 destinations)

  6. Sweden, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal (186 destinations)

  7. United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, Norway, Switzerland (185 destinations)

  8. Czech Republic, Greece, Malta, New Zealand (184 destinations)

  9. Canada, Australia (183 destinations)

  10. Hungary (182 destinations)

Canada is still ranked as #1 country in Quality of life and #2 in Best Countries for 2020 according to US News which every year is ranking all the countries taking into consideration factors such as citizenship, entrepreneurship, open for business, power, culture influence and many others.

Amongst other rankings, it is #3 in Education #6 in Comfortable Retiring and #4 for Raising a Child and #5 for Women as one of the best countries to live in. We will be going a bit deeper into these topics next week so make sure you Subscribe to our Newsletter to get to know about Canada and the latest immigration News.