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The Canadian province of Ontario continues to take significant strides in welcoming skilled immigrants through its Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). In a recent development on August 15, 2023, the Government of Ontario conducted new draws under three distinct streams of the Employer Job Offer category. The draws were held for the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream (EJO FW), International Student Stream (EJO IS), and In-Demand Skills Stream (EJO IDS).

A total of 1,506 Invitations to Apply (ITAs) were issued under the EJO FW Stream. This stream focuses on foreign workers who possess the skills and expertise required by Ontario's burgeoning industries. Notably, candidates who received invitations through this stream showcased their capabilities by meeting specific eligibility criteria and achieving a minimum score of 61.

Simultaneously, the province extended its invitation to 853 eligible candidates under the EJO IS Stream. Designed to attract international students who have completed their studies in Ontario and received a job offer from a local employer, this stream serves as a bridge between academic achievement and professional growth. The candidates selected for this stream achieved a minimum score of 61, signifying their potential to contribute significantly to Ontario's diverse workforce.

Recognizing the importance of addressing labor market needs, the In-Demand Skills Stream (EJO IDS) drew attention by inviting 256 candidates who demonstrated their proficiency in essential sectors with a minimum score of 26. This stream serves as a beacon of opportunity for skilled workers whose expertise aligns with Ontario's specific labor market demands, underscoring the province's commitment to driving economic growth.

In total, 28,412 candidates have been granted the opportunity to apply for nomination through the OINP in 2023, highlighting the program's pivotal role in shaping Ontario's economic landscape.

You can immigrate to Canada! Global Opportunities is a Canadian immigration firm that can help you to accomplish your immigration goals. Contact us to evaluate your opportunities to immigrate to Canada.